Four Solutions to Antibiotic-resistant Super Bed Bugs

Antibiotics are getting beat by quickly evolving bacteria.  In many American cities, there’s an infestation of Bed Bugs, some of which now have bacteria such as MRSA that are super-resistant to antibiotics. Consider alternatives to antibiotics.  Here are four.TODAY, there’s news that bed bugs are now carrying two different drug resistant bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (VRE).  This is yet another indication that we are relying too much on drugs like antibiotics because the bugs we fight are developing immunity.

The result is that the bugs are wining.

If you haven’t heard, bed bugs have become a big deal – they’ve infested many cities, particularly New York City.  People are in a panic.  It’s really hard to find and dispense with the buggers.

Moreover, when one carrying MRSA and/or VRE bites you, you have more than a problem; more like a disaster.  As the Mayo Clinic presents it:

“Staph skin infections, including MRSA, generally start as small red bumps that resemble pimples, boils or spider bites. These can quickly turn into deep, painful abscesses that require surgical draining. Sometimes the bacteria remain confined to the skin. But they can also burrow deep into the body, causing potentially life-threatening infections in bones, joints, surgical wounds, the bloodstream, heart valves and lungs.”

If you reach for the antibiotics every time you get a sniffle, you’re contributing to the creation of Super Bugs that resist all known antibiotics. Furthermore, antibiotics kill all the “good” bacteria in your gut that it vital for digestion and colon health.

There are alternatives to antibiotics for many bacterial infections.  Google “MRSA herbal treatments” or “MRSA natural treatments” and you’ll get more suggestions than you’re likely to wade through.

Here are four antibiotic alternatives to consider:


Prior to the development of antibiotics, Oregano was often used to treat MRSA-like infections.  Use the oregano essential oil, and mix six drops into two tablespoons of olive oil and apply topically about ten times per day.  You can also ingest four drops of oregano oil with one tablespoon of olive oil four times per day.

Olive Leaf Extract

In Europe, particularly in Hungary, Olive Leaf Extract is commonly used for treating MRSA.  You can ingest a powerful formula such as this one from ProHealth, or use an essential oil as described above for Oregano.


This herb is getting much press of late. Dr. Weil says it’s one of his top supplements for its antibacterial as well as anti-inflammatory properties.  The literature says that Tumeric does a good job fighting various staff infections, including MRSA.  It’s best that you use a concentrated form such as Jarrow’s concentrated formula.


As mentioned, your body needs this whether you’re sick or not, and unless you eat foods that are rich in probiotics, like yogurt and grass, it’s a good idea to supplement with probiotics from time to time, particularly if you have digestion/constipation issues. Ingesting a higher level of probiotics can help strengthen your system and aid in ridding your body of an MRSA-like infection.

Do you have any suggestions for antibiotic substitutes?  What has worked for you? Please weigh in below in the Comment Section.

Last Updated on February 27, 2022 by Joe Garma

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Joe Garma

I help people live with more vitality and strength. I'm a big believer in sustainability, and am a bit nutty about optimizing my diet, supplements, hormones and exercise. To get exclusive Updates, tips and be on your way to a stronger, more youthful body, join my weekly Newsletter. You can also find me on LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.

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