
Lesson 13: Science-backed Nutraceutical Support for Natural Killer and Th-1 Immune Cells

Lesson 13 Protocol 3

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Learn how the nutraceuticals covered in this lesson can support the functions of natural killer cells and Th-1 cells.

Lesson Summary

The nutraceuticals covered in this lesson can support the functions of natural killer cells and Th-1 cells; namely:

  • Astragalus, andrographis and reishi support natural killer immune cells; and
  • Berberine, chinese skullcap, licorice root, echinacea and elderberry support Th-1 immune cells.

Along with those, turkey tail, maitake, cordyceps and arikon are medicinal mushrooms that have proven anti-viral and general health benefits.

Science-backed Nutraceutical Support For Natural Killer and Th-1 Immune Cells

If you get infected with SARS-CoV-2, you will very much desire to minimize the health impact. When you start feeling ill, there’s great motivation to avoid the potentially deadly consequences of the hyperinflammatory condition I address in the next Protocol, Protocol 4. You want to avoid that.

This lesson covers the nutraceuticals you should consider using if you feel you’ve been infected by the virus, and this has been confirmed by the home tests covered in Lesson 11, or by your doctor. As you’ll soon see, these have been shown in various studies to specifically improve the natural killer cell and Th-1 response to viral infections.

As I’ve said before about all the nutraceuticals mentioned, despite the evidence that they may be useful to support various parts of the immune system, particularly in reaction to a viral infection, none are miracle cures, nor are they equivalent to the expected immunity offered by a vaccine. That said, if you don’t intend to get vaccinated, these nutraceuticals become even more important to take.

You can get the specifics about recommended brands, how much to take and contraindications in the Nutraceutical Guide.

These nutraceuticals are considered safe for most people, as is detailed in the Guide. You can take them if you don’t have symptoms, but, again, they’ve been specifically selected for their ability to support the natural killer cell and Th-1 response to viral infections.

Consider taking them should you experience mild or moderate symptoms as described in Lesson 11 and the COVID-19 Symptoms document, or have chronic issues with sleep, stress, allergies, asthma or GI tract issues.

Let's begin with the nutraceuticals that support natural killer cells.

Natural Killer (NK) cell support

  • Astragalus (radix astragali)
  • Andrographis
  • Reishi 


Astragalus is an herb native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. It’s among the top prescribed botanicals in traditional Chinese medicine preparations for SARS-CoV-1. 

There are numerous published clinical trials demonstrating that astragalus can be effective for both prevention and treatment for a virus. In SARS-CoV-2, astragalus continues to be the most common botanical in traditional Chinese medicine formulas prescribed in China.

Astragalus and Th-2:

  • Astragalus has substantial Th-2 inhibiting properties. [1,2,3]
  • Studies have shown that astragalus downregulates Th-2 cytokines[2,3] ref below], and upregulates the formation of NK cells. [4]

Andrographis is a plant that is native to South Asian countries such as India and Sri Lanka. The leaf and underground stem are used to make medicine. 

Antiviral Properties of Andrographis:

  • Human randomized controlled trials show Andrographis to be an effective treatment for upper respiratory tract infection. [5,6]
  • It promotes natural killer cell activity [7,8
  • It reduces the levels of inflammatory cytokines. [9]
Reishi mushroom 

Reishi mushrooms have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. 

Antiviral Properties of Reishi:

  • Activates natural killer cells [10,11] and Th-1 cells [12,13] 
  • Downregulates inflammatory cytokines in the alveolar cells of the respiratory membrane (“alveolar epithelial cells”) [14,15] 

Reishi mushrooms are not alone among medicinal mushrooms that can help mitigate the effects of a viral infection. The immune boosting abilities of mushrooms are well known, and are attributable to the high level of polysaccharides contained in their cell walls (beta-glucans is one found in abundance in fungi).

Here are some other excellent medicinal mushrooms to consider that have proven antiviral properties:

  • Turkey tail mushrooms are known to increase our Natural Killer cells activity.
  • Maitake has been shown to help build the immune system for those dealing with Chronic Fatigue syndrome. 
  • Cordyceps has the unique ability to interrupt viral based infections by inhibiting the rate of replication. The synergy of multiple species provides all around immune system support. Many formulas are available that contain a variety of mushrooms.
  • Agarikon’s antiviral properties have been researched and affirmed by mycologist Dr. Paul Stamets, along with the U.S. Biodefense program, scientists from the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) and the National Institute of Health (NIH) (see videos). Specifically, Agarikon demonstrated strong antiviral properties against influenza A and influenza B.

The following two videos will give you an appreciation for the medicinal powers of certain mushrooms, as guided by mycologist, Dr. Paul Stamets:

Consult the Nutraceuticals Guide for recommended brands offering medicinal mushroom combinations known for their antiviral properties.

Now, let’s turn to the nutraceuticals that support Th-1 cell activation.

Th-1 Cell Support

  • Berberine
  • Chinese Skullcap
  • Licorice Root
  • Echinacea
  • Elderberry


Berberine is a naturally occurring organic compound found in several plants, including European barberry, goldenseal, Oregon grape and turmeric.

Berberine has been shown to have antiviral activity across a broad range of viruses.

Antiviral Properties of Berberine:

  • Can activate Natural Killer cells. [16-18]
  • Is anti-inflammatory [19,20]  
  • Promotes the Th-1 cytokines Interleukin 12 and Interferon Gamma [21]
  • Inhibits the Th-2 cytokine Interleukins. [22,23]
  • Berberine can slow blood clotting, which is a risk in severe forms of SARS-CoV-2 infection. [24,25]
Chinese Skullcap 

A member of the mint family, Chinese Skullcap is an herb commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. It’s been well studied, and the evidence indicates that it possesses antiviral, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects. [26,27]

Chinese Skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis) can help support the following actions:

  • Induce macrophage production. [28]
  • Downregulation of NLRP3 inflammasomes, which is part of the innate immune system responsible for the activation of inflammatory responses. [29,30]
  • Upregulate Type 1 Interferons that help regulate the activity of the immune system. [31]
Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

Licorice root is the root of an herb that grows in parts of Europe and Asia. It has a long history of use in Western herbal medicine for viral infections, and in traditional Chinese medicine it’s used as a key ingredient for pandemic formulas. 

Licorice root was a component in traditional Chinese formulas for SARS-CoV-1 prevention and treatment, and now it and astragalus are the two most frequently used botanicals in China to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection. [32]

Antiviral Properties of Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra):

  • The major active constituent, glycyrrhizin, can bind the ACE2 receptor, and therefore may have anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity. [33]
  • Note: excessive use can exert an aldosterone-like affect, potentially resulting in too little potassium in the body.

A word of caution.  Although Licorice root has been safely used in Western and Eastern herbal medicine for many hundreds of years, excessive use can make the kidneys excrete too much potassium from the body in some people. This may be of particular concern to those with an increased risk for cardiac arrhythmias.

SARS-CoV-2 has been associated with potassium wasting, so be cautious with Licorice root, and supplement with potassium should use it, especially if infected with the virus. [34]


Echinacea is an herb that is native to areas east of the Rocky Mountains in the United States.

Extracts of various species of echinacea have been used traditionally in North America for many years. It’s popular for the treatment of many types of upper respiratory infections. 

Recent studies have supported its use by demonstrating that echinacea extracts possess potent antiviral activities. 

Antiviral Activity of Echinacea:

  • Can destroy or inactivate viruses, particularly those that infect membranes. [35]
  • It also can help reverse the pro-inflammatory response of epithelial cells to viral infection, and reduction of excessive mucin secretion. [36,37]
  • Echinacea angustifolia is the species of Echinacea that’s been studied for its efficacy for healing respiratory disorders. [38]
  • Echinacea angustifolia given to 36 adults with existing respiratory disorders found improved response to influenza vaccination, and a substantial, statistically significant increase in Immunoglobulin G. [39] 
What are epithelial cells, mucin and immunoglobulin G?

Epithelial cells are a type of cell that lines the surfaces of your body. They are found on your skin, blood vessels, urinary tract, and organs.

Mucin is a type of protein that acts as lubricants or protectants on external and internal surfaces of the body. When secreted they form a viscous solution that’s found in saliva and gastric juices, etc.

Immunoglobulin G is a type of antibody that represents about  75% of serum antibodies in humans.

Now, the downside with using these botanicals that have been shown to be effective immune boosters in studies is that you can’t be sure that you’re using what the studies used. Variation in extractions methods, errors in identification, and inconsistent choices about what part of the plant is used means that whatever extract worked in any particular research study cannot be reliably extrapolated to other products.

This is why I was careful to choose the best brands that were studied, tested and recommended by third-party experts, which was done for all the nutraceuticals I’ve reviewed in this course.

Your Takeaway

Remember that certain nutraceuticals covered in this lesson can support the functions of natural killer cells and Th-1 cells; namely:

  • Astragalus, andrographis and reishi support natural killer immune cells; and
  • Berberine, chinese skullcap, licorice root, echinacea and elderberry support Th-1 immune cells.

Along with those, turkey tail, maitake, cordyceps and arikon are medicinal mushrooms that have proven anti-viral and general health benefits.

Up next in Lesson 14, we take a close look at two immune system molecules that can be largely responsible for escalating hyperinflammation: NLRP3 inflammasome and Nuclear factor kappa ?. These are the key targets for inhibiting excessive inflammation.

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