
Category Archives for "MOVE"

Six Tools To Make Your New Year Resolutions Come True

Here comes the New Year, 2012. Will you attain your New Year Resolutions? How will you make those goals a reality? Begin with a conception, move to a process and then use these six practical tools to attain your goals.

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Beautiful “Exercise” Climbing Pinnacle Peak at Mt Rainer — Watch!

Wherever you are, find a place to get exhilarated. Away from my usual exercise stuff and routine mode, I grab a buddy and hike up Pinnacle Peak, Mt. Rainier. Watch this invigorating and panoramic climb starting from Reflection Lake in Mt. Rainier National Park, WA. Lemon water and a energy-packed smoothie power us up.

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Dr. Weil’s Four Alternatives to Antidepressant Drugs

For mild to moderate depression, pharmaceutical antidepressants are no more effective than placebos, says Dr. Weil. But the science also says that there are four steps you can take that are effective. Reducing or eliminating depression is all about anti-inflammatory foods, supplements, exercise and a shift in cognition.

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Will Your Belly Fat Cause Cancer?

Since in America, 2/3rds of us are overweight, this information about the greatest danger caused by being fat is both urgent and important for us to know and contemplate. Learn what excess fat can do and how to minimize the risks.

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Why It’s Critical that You Muscle Up as You Age

The “Biggest Lose”r Nutritionist, Cheryl Forberg takes you through the reasons why building and maintaining muscle at any age is critical to living a long and vital life. There’s three ways that muscle relate to aging well, and three factors that make us lose muscle as we age.

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Five Diet and Exercise Myths that Need to Die

Here’s the myths: 1) Long Cardio Workouts are the Key to Weight Loss; 2) Diet and Exercise are Equal When it Comes to Losing Weight; 3) It Doesn’t Matter What Time of Day You Exercise; 4) Diet Foods Will Help You Lose Weight; 5) You’re Destined to Gain Weight as You Get Older. These are myths that need to die!

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Four Ways to Build a Better Brain

Who would have thought that the most assured way to build a better brain is to build a better body? Well, not precisely – but the science shows that some simple, consistent exercise does more to improve the brain than crossword puzzles and blueberries.

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Run, Jog or “Slog” Pain Free

If you run and want to keep at it, eventually you need to know your foot type. Do you pronate, supinate, or do something in between? If your running shoe isn’t built for your foot type, running will become more difficult and you’ll potentially develop pain in the feet, ankles, knees and hips.

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