
Category Archives for "Mindfullness, Meditation, Psychology"

The Four Pillars of A Long and Strong Life

What if you could experience your 90th year with your 50-year old body? If it’s possible, it will take an overhaul of what you think, and what you do. You must clear six hurdles and construct four pillars upon which your life must be anchored.

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What You Can Learn From The Amazing Beasts of YouTube

How to develop a growth mindset and become large with whatever you want to do, but haven’t. Learn to apply progression and consistency to goals that have been shrunk along a path that you shaped.How to develop a growth mindset and become large with whatever you want to do, but haven’t. Learn to apply progression and consistency to goals that have been shrunk along a path that you shaped.

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Does The Up-Your-Nose “K-E Diet” Work? Watch

Feed yourself through the nose on the K-E Diet and lose weight fast! It works… you can lose 10, 15, 20 pounds in 10 days, but only temporarily. Read about this new diet fad taken up by soon-to-be brides desperate to fit into their wedding gowns.

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Overfed and Under Nourished? Watch “Hungry for Change”

Overfed and under nourished? Overweight? Tired. Eat a lot of bread, pasta and soda? Time to Watch Hungry for Change. Peak Performance guru says, “This inspiring film has the power to transform your health!” Expect it does, should you follow its insights, for these 12 health experts know about what they speak and live their talk.

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One Surefired Powerful Longevity Tea

Gynostemma pentaphyllum, also called jiaogulan, is a powerful adaptagen-type herb. Studies indicate it may help reverse some chronic illness and give your longevity a boost. Listen to health advocate David Wolfe and herbalist Truth Calkins explore the benefits of Gynostemma.

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Among the Hills and Dales — A Multi-day Mood Enhancer

A mood-altering simple walk between hill and dale lasts for days. Move, cover yourself with natural beauty, connect with nature and others, read a book that deepens your knowledge… do it enough that it all strings together and conspires to inspire you to cultivate gratitude for your life. Grab a book, or grab a friend, but do take the first step. The rest will follow.

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A Mega-Pastor and Three Famous Doctors Hatch “The Daniel Plan”

Three famous doctors and one mega-Pastor have hatched a health plan. It’s called The Daniel Plan and thousands at the Saddleback Church are losing weight and just plan getting healthier. Here’s what’s happening at The Daniel Plan.

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SAM-e, The “Miracle” Supplement for Depression, Arthritis and Liver Health

Rich Carson calls it, “almost a miracle drug”. I call SAM-e the “triple threat”, for it threatens to vanquish depression, arthritis and liver dysfunction. SAM-e is a powerful, natural supplement that can be superior to antidepressants and as effective as NSAIDs for osteoarthritis, without the negative side effects. Watch the video. Learn how to use it and where to get it below..

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