
Category Archives for "Diet/Nutrition"

Are You Getting Fat and Sick from Sugar?

Sugar can kill, especially if it’s high-fructose corn syrup. It’s in everything that comes in a can, bottle or box, and it will make you fat and unhealthy. One problem with it is that all of it has to be metabolized by the liver, so it can fatten the liver and lead to disease.

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Want 10 Extra Years? It’s Easier Than You Think In The Blue Zones!

Author Dan Buettner writes about areas he calls “blue zones”, like Sardinia, Okinawa, Costa Rica (the Nicoya Peninsula), Ikaria (a Greek island), and Loma Linda, California. What these blue zone residents have in common include exercising regularly, eating more vegetables/less meat, engaging in social networking, and having a sense of purpose.

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Dr. Weil and Kevin Rose Talk Health (Video)

Kevin Rose interviews Dr. Weil. The bottom line on Soda, Energy Drinks, Diary, Soy, Vitamins (esp. Vitamin D), Omega-3, Cell Phone Radiation, Eye Health, Antioxidants, Atkins, Trans Fat, Depression, Exercise, Juice Cleanses and Tea… whew!

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How Depressing is Your Food? And You?

What You Eat Counts! RIGHT NOW, here in my little hamlet just north of the Golden Gate Bridge, it’s steadily raining. November is in full swing, the days grow short, my work is erratic. All this is a potent combination for some depression; at least a tinge, no? Well… actually, I feel great, which is […]

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