
Category Archives for "Diet/Nutrition"

10 Unusual (Need to Know) Weight Loss Tips – WATCH!

Here are ten important weight loss tips: 1. Don’t skip meals.
2. Use smaller plates. 3. Count your calories. 4. Your metabolism is not the problem.
5. Protein staves off hunger. 6. Soup keeps you fuller for longer. 7. The wider your choice, the more you eat. 8. Low-fat diary helps excrete more fat (must be calorie neutral). 9. Exercise burns fat long after you stop, even while you sleep.
10. Keep moving to lose weight.

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Lose Weight Without Dieting

Simply changing when and how often you eat can have a startling affect on reducing your weight and improving your health. As Dr. Hyman talks about in this video. researchers have found that those who eat small amounts of food more often increase their calorie burn (thermogenesis). Eat less more often and eat lean protein are two keys.

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Hardly Healthy Fruit Juice

All fruit juices aren’t healthy. Far from it. Know the sugar content. Arizona Kiwi Strawberry, Tropicana Grape Juice Beverage, SoBe Elixir Cranberry Grapefruit, Minute Maid Lemonade, Welch’s Mountain Berry and Ocean Spray Cran-Apple all have way too much sugar.

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One Less Cookie = 10 Less Pounds

The basic formula for gaining and losing weight is well known: a pound of fat equals 3,500 calories. That simple equation has fueled the widely accepted notion that weight loss does not require daunting lifestyle changes but “small changes that add up,” as the first lady, Michelle Obama, put it last month in announcing a national plan to counter childhood obesity.

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