A Teaching Inspired by 9-11 and Joseph Campbell

Religion often separates us because it’s read literally rather than metaphorically. Thus the religious stories are not interpreted as mythology, but fact. The results penetrate us: the Catholic world was made by a anthropomorphic deity only several thousand years ago; the Muslim world where woman are often viewed inferior and treated like objects; a Jewish world where ancestral land rights promised in ancient texts are the pretext for dominating another people.

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Deconstruct Fear with Action

Deconstruct fear with action. Worry and fear overwhelm us in the fertile ground of inaction. Your brain’s task is to look into the fear and deconstruct the fear with action. It is almost always the case that when you are not getting what you want, that your brain is receiving fear messages that you are unaware of.

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10 Unusual (Need to Know) Weight Loss Tips – WATCH!

Here are ten important weight loss tips: 1. Don’t skip meals.
2. Use smaller plates. 3. Count your calories. 4. Your metabolism is not the problem.
5. Protein staves off hunger. 6. Soup keeps you fuller for longer. 7. The wider your choice, the more you eat. 8. Low-fat diary helps excrete more fat (must be calorie neutral). 9. Exercise burns fat long after you stop, even while you sleep.
10. Keep moving to lose weight.

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