
Search Results for: tanita body fat scale

Forget the Pounds — Get A Body Fat Scale!

get a body fat scale

Get a body fat scale. Although there may be some value to weighing yourself with a regular body weight scale, your body weight doesn’t tell you your body composition; ie: how fat or lean you are. Choose a body fat scale reviewed here that fits your budget.

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How I’m Boosting Testosterone and Blasting Body Fat

Your testosterone is low and body fat’s high. It often works that way. Improve one and the other improves too. This post details what I’m doing to measure and manage nutritional inputs as I endeavor to boost my testosterone and blast away some body fat.

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Just “Exactly” How Fat Are You Anyway?

What would you do to find out what percent of your body is fat?  Archimedes came up with a pretty infallible test.  Most of the rest are proxies, pretenders at best.  In this post, I examine how worthless the BMI measure is for many, and what the military has to say on the matter. Check out the equations, BMI widget and charts.

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