
Search Results for: lose weight

10 Unusual (Need to Know) Weight Loss Tips – WATCH!

Here are ten important weight loss tips: 1. Don’t skip meals.
2. Use smaller plates. 3. Count your calories. 4. Your metabolism is not the problem.
5. Protein staves off hunger. 6. Soup keeps you fuller for longer. 7. The wider your choice, the more you eat. 8. Low-fat diary helps excrete more fat (must be calorie neutral). 9. Exercise burns fat long after you stop, even while you sleep.
10. Keep moving to lose weight.

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Some Help for Weight Management

  Supplement For An Extra Nudge THERE WAS a time when a certain amount of corpulence was favored by society.  If you were fat it meant that you had enough wealth to eat whilst the peasants were near starving, and accordingly, quite skinny. Oh, if only such antediluvian norms could return.  Just think of how […]

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No Benefit to Time-restricted Eating?

There’s no benefit to time-restricted eating, two recent human trails conclude, as opposed to regular caloric restriction if calories consumed are the same. This conclusion pushes back on many animal studies that assert the opposite. What’s true? Should you try TRE to lose weight and gain health?

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Does The Up-Your-Nose “K-E Diet” Work? Watch

Feed yourself through the nose on the K-E Diet and lose weight fast! It works… you can lose 10, 15, 20 pounds in 10 days, but only temporarily. Read about this new diet fad taken up by soon-to-be brides desperate to fit into their wedding gowns.

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Five Diet and Exercise Myths that Need to Die

Here’s the myths: 1) Long Cardio Workouts are the Key to Weight Loss; 2) Diet and Exercise are Equal When it Comes to Losing Weight; 3) It Doesn’t Matter What Time of Day You Exercise; 4) Diet Foods Will Help You Lose Weight; 5) You’re Destined to Gain Weight as You Get Older. These are myths that need to die!

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Low HRV? What You Need to Know to Become Metabolically Fit

Low HRV -- What You Need to Know to Become Metabolically Fit

Low HRV (heart rate variability) will mess with your health. A HRV score that’s too low might be connected to a host of maladies, from high glucose to metabolic syndrome. It’s a good idea to know what your average HRV score is, and that’s what this post is all about.

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