Hair Analysis Test — Simple, Cheap, Valuable

Drawing of young woman with thick hair, of which some is about to be clipped by sisors for hair analysis testing. PERHAPS YOU and just about everyone you know has taken vitamins at one time or another.  How many determined what their bodies really needed first?

Almost no one, I confidently state.

I’m guilty of this too.  It’s been more than a decade since I last had a hair analysis test or extensive blood test, and yet I keep consuming my long list of supplements.  (To be fair to myself, I do perceive the benefits for many of them, and am convinced of the benefits for all of them.)

Undeniably, it makes a lot of sense to invest the time and money to get tested before you spend a lot more time and money investing in a barrage of supplements.

After all, how do you know what you’re body needs?  What vitamins should you use? Almost everyone living in an industrialized society is filled with many heavy metals, but few get serious about detoxifying until they get the print out of the analysis. Then — after the shock subsides — it’s a rush to consume detox supplements such as Reduced L-Glutathione , and Milk Thistle Complex, among the  common, but helpful, buffered Vitamin C and Vitamin D3. (Check out: Vitamins and Minerals – The Basics.)

The Naturopathic Doctor who was a mentor to me, and got me to get my hair tested once upon a time, no longer provides this service, so I jumped on the Web to investigate to whom I could point you.  There are many options, but I got drawn into Dr. Kathleen Akin’s service.

$135 Buys A Lot of Information About You

I don’t know Dr Akin at all, but given what I’ve read on her Web site, she seems to have the right spin on health, in my humble point of view, and offers a comprehensive hair analysis test for a modest sum, $135.00, which includes a 15-20 page report that details your mineral content, metal toxicities, significant health ratios, and metabolic rate. It also includes a 15 minute phone or email consultation provided by Dr. Akin.

The rest of what I present here below is mostly from Dr. Akin’s site.

Benefits of Hair Analysis

Hair tissue mineral analysis is unique in that it is non-invasive and an inexpensive way to give information directly about the cellular activity that determines nutritional metabolism.

A hair tissue mineral analysis is a standard test used globally for the biological monitoring of trace elements and toxic metals in humans and animal species. The same technology is used for soil testing and testing of rock samples to detect mineral levels.

The analysis indicates the nutritional content of the body’s tissue, toxic heavy metals, the ratio of nutrients to heavy metal toxins, and the metabolism type. Although valuable too, blood work provides different information.

Blood Tests vs. Hair Analysis

Blood tests always will be valuable to determine cholesterol, hemoglobin levels, and many other parameters. However, blood tests cannot provide the information provided by the hair analysis. There are several reasons why:

  • Mineral levels in blood are ten times less than they are in the tissues, which makes measurements difficult.
  • Blood levels are kept within very narrow limits by the body for various reasons, so that readings vary but little and less information can be learned.
  • Blood tests are subject to daily fluctuations by the foods eaten the previous day, emotional states, etc.
  • Unlike blood tests, hair tissue mineral analysis will not vary from day to day, and provides a long-term metabolic blueprint. When you understand this difference, you can avoid confusion and use the long-term reading to a definite advantage.

Why Should You Have a Hair Analysis?

Hair tissue mineral analysis can help anyone who:

  • Is ill and doesn’t know why;
  • Has identified the illness, but the therapy is ineffective; or
  • Wants to improve health by identifying where some potential problems may exist as related to mineral deficiencies.

Hair tissue mineral analysis can open up a whole new approach to solving your own particular problem. Even without a severe health problem, abnormal changes in body chemistry and nutritional deficiencies may result in early, subtle changes in the body such as the following:

  • White spots in the nails, stretch marks, and lack of nail growth can indicate a possible zinc deficiency.
  • Longitudinal ridging in the nails may indicate an iron deficiency.
  • Brittle hair and nails can show a calcium and copper imbalance.
  • Autistic behaviors and mood swings can be linked to possible toxic metal accumulation like lead, mercury, or cadmium.

The above indicators are early signs of metabolic disturbances and may lead to serious problems if left unchecked.

Hair Analysis Disclaimer

No claims are made for the diagnosis, treatment, or cure of any disease or condition using hair tissue mineral analysis.

Last Updated on February 27, 2022 by Joe Garma

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Joe Garma

I help people live with more vitality and strength. I'm a big believer in sustainability, and am a bit nutty about optimizing my diet, supplements, hormones and exercise. To get exclusive Updates, tips and be on your way to a stronger, more youthful body, join my weekly Newsletter. You can also find me on LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.

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