Arthritis — Don’t Let It Slow You Down

Supplements reviewed here: Hyaluronic Acid, Glucosamine Chondroitin, Curcumin 95, and MSM.

[Scroll down for Arthritis supplements and Video exercises.]


THE DOCTORS say that I may have some arthritis in my left hip socket and right shoulder joint, perhaps the result of three pretty impressive accidents.

It’s not slowing me down — yet — as I still jog here and there, bike here and there, “do” yoga and weight lift.

Even if arthritis wasn’t an issue, I’d still use certain supplements touted to aide joint comfort and flexibility.  It’s no fun being immobile, or in pain.

Among the many supplements available for arthritis abatement (click on a product below and peruse the “Arthritis” category), these are my favorites:

Hyaluronic Acid with MSM (120 Vcaps)Hyaluronic Acid with MSM Rich Carson, the Founder of ProHealth, telephoned me about this one.  He knows that I had been struggling with my shoulder and hip mobility, and after using this supplement himself for a couple months noticed joint pain alleviation.  When you take a lot of supplements, many with overlapping benefits, it can be hard to isolate which one is doing what, but suffice to say that my hip and shoulder joints have markedly improved since I began trying Hyaluronic Acid around mid-July 2009, about one month ago.

Glucosamine Chondroitin Extra Strength (60 medium tablets)
Glucosamine Chondroitin Extra Strength
Big time potency with two of some of the most widely studied prescriptions for healthy joints.  I don’t use the formula with MSM added because I want more MSM than it contains and therefore take MSM separately.

Curcumin 95 (Turmeric) by Jarrow Formulas (500mg, 60 medium capsules)

Curcumin 95 Like a lot of the stuff I take, this one has synergistic effects — it does more than help with arthritis, such as assisting detoxification of the body.

MSM (1000mg, 120 medium capsules)

MSM Ahh, the wonders of sulfur; stinky (in nature) maybe, but it’s the stuff of skin, hair and nails — and, of course, joints.

Go here for a list of Product Categories.

Here are some yoga-inspired exercises for arthritis:

Search on YouTube for arthritis exercises specific to your problem.

Supplement Disclaimer

Just as with the descriptive statements made at the various company sites that manufacture and/or sell the supplement products presented in this blog, none, or nearly none, of the potential benefits stated here have been evaluated by the FDA. Likewise none, or nearly none, of the products here can be represented to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Before engaging a supplement program, it always makes sense to get the advice of your health practitioner.

Last Updated on February 27, 2022 by Joe Garma

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Joe Garma

I help people live with more vitality and strength. I'm a big believer in sustainability, and am a bit nutty about optimizing my diet, supplements, hormones and exercise. To get exclusive Updates, tips and be on your way to a stronger, more youthful body, join my weekly Newsletter. You can also find me on LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.

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