A Woman’s Health Is In Her Own Hands

As she ages, a woman’s health is powerfully influenced by how well balanced are her hormones. These supplements may help.

A women's health is in her own hands

Man, is this a pitch to take a wild swing at, or what?  After all, I’m not a woman, so, I just ran to the Mayo Clinic (metaphorically speaking) to get a handle on women’s health issues.

The first thing I read is familiar:

Gender-specific issues like ovarian or breast cancer are not the top health risks for women. No… just as for men, heart disease, lung cancer and strokes are at the top of the chronic disease heap.

The next thing I read at Mayo is their review about how to prevent health threats to women.  And, as commonly extolled regarding every chronic disease, Mayo says:

The biggest threats to women’s health are mostly preventable.”

Which would be just as true if you substituted “everyone’s” for “women’s”.  The pertinent question is how to prevent the preventable disease state for women and men?

The easy answer is bereft of specifics, but nonetheless true: Eat a healthy diet, get plenty of rest and exercise.  Who doesn’t know that!

But what we know is often not what we do.

So, what to do?

As with men, lifestyle changes (diet, exercise, sleep, etc.) are the most important things to do to improve “Women’s Health”.  But if you can’t or are unwilling to make the necessary changes, at least give yourself some help with “super foods” and supplements.

At minimum, be sure you’re taking a great multi-vitamin/mineral supplement, and from there dive into products that address specific concerns.

For women, that might include:

Thyroid Support 

Menopause Support 

Progesterone Cream 

Vitamin D3


Food is the ultimate medicine

Yes, you’ve heard that one before, and it’s true.  The point is that if your diet is poor, no supplement is going to make you healthy. Supplements can be great to “supplement” a nutritious diet, but they do not replace it.

For some insights about nutrition and diet, check out these posts.



Supplement Disclaimer

Just as with the descriptive statements made at the various company sites that manufacture and/or sell the supplement products presented in this blog, none, or nearly none, of the potential benefits stated here have been evaluated by the FDA. Likewise none, or nearly none, of the products here can be represented to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Before engaging a supplement program, it always makes sense to get the advice of your health practitioner.


Last Updated on November 4, 2023 by Joe Garma

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Joe Garma

I help people live with more vitality and strength. I'm a big believer in sustainability, and am a bit nutty about optimizing my diet, supplements, hormones and exercise. To get exclusive Updates, tips and be on your way to a stronger, more youthful body, join my weekly Newsletter. You can also find me on LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.

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