Food, Diet and Nutrition — The 6 Best of the Year

Diet, food and nutrition

Get scientifically-based diet tips, an understanding of the perils of manufactured food, my “blueprint” for eating righteously and how I apply it in my own life, and finally… soda drinkers: BEWARE.  Solid advice no matter what the year. Read on…

Diet, food and nutrition

WELCOME TO the New Year, 2011, and to my first post of the year.

Here are six summaries of the best and most informative posts of the last year in the category of “Food, Diet and Nutrition.”

A Diet Blueprint and How it’s Implemented

In A Blueprint for Eating Right I present my “10 Pillars for Righteous Eating”.  The framework for this “righteous eating” is to eat mindfully, choose foods with high water content that still look like they did on the farm, consume small and frequent meals, and pre-plan your snacks

Read the details about the “10 pillars” that support this framework here:

After you get grounded in A Blueprint for Eating Right, a read thru of Diet 101 may prove very useful, because in that post I apply the principals in “Blueprint” to my own use of food and drink.

Some of the topics explored in Diet 101 include emotional eating, meal size and pacing, food supplementation, a look at carbs and the value of cleansing.

Is Eating Fat Good?

Well, it depends… and in Is Eating Fat Good… Maybe…Could Be…Sometimes, I take a look at all the various terms we tend to use for fat, such as polyunsaturated fat, fatty-acids, trans fatty acids, omegas, triglycerides, etc., and discuss which fats you should eat without worry, which you should be cautious about, and which you should avoid at your peril.

Hopefully, by the time you’re done reading this long post, you’ll no longer be confused about fat!

Manufactured Food (Video)

The most important thing to know about food in an industrialized society is to know about how food is manufactured!  Food Inc. was the most eye-opening, if not perturbing, look at how what we eat is made.  Health cannot be attained if you don’t learn about and avoid the Inconvenient Truths About Our Food.

Diet Tips from Science (Video)

The British documentary, “10 Things You Need to Know About Losing Weight” is summarized in the post entitled 10 Unusual (Need to Know) Tips About Losing Weight. The video delves into the latest science about what really works when dieting.

Some of it you’ve heard before, like “use smaller plates”, but other scientifically-demonstrated tips may be new to you, such as “protein staves off hunger”, or “soup keeps you fuller longer.”  The video in this post is entertaining; it demonstrates why these “10 Things” are true, and will be helpful to anyone committed to losing weight.

One Soda, 60 Minutes of Harm

I’ve chosen this to be among my favorite or most important posts in the Food, Diet and Nutrition category simply because soda is the bane of health.

Simply put, you make attaining and keeping yourself healthy difficult if you drink soda, particularly if it’s your water substitute.

In One Soda, 60 Minutes of Harm, I detail the deleterious effects of soda on your body beginning at the ten minute mark, and then at 20, 40, 45 and 60 minutes after drinking one can of Coke.

Read about how soda spikes sugar in your blood stream, pumps up insulin levels, increases blood pressure, and calcium excretion right here.

OK, that’s it for today.  Have a good read, and may you be well positioned to make some positive health changes in the year to come.


Last Updated on March 27, 2015 by Joe Garma

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Joe Garma

I help people live with more vitality and strength. I'm a big believer in sustainability, and am a bit nutty about optimizing my diet, supplements, hormones and exercise. To get exclusive Updates, tips and be on your way to a stronger, more youthful body, join my weekly Newsletter. You can also find me on LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.

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