Dr. Hyman: 4 Supplements That Reduce Your Healthcare Costs

Watch the video below and learn about the four very important nutritional supplements that all of us should be using.

RECENT RESEARCH from the Lewin Group has shown that spending pennies a day on a few key nutritional supplements can significantly reduce sickness and chronic disease, resulting in a substantial decrease in healthcare costs. This post summarizes the Lewin Group study as reviewed by one of my favorite doctors, Mark Hyman, MD.

I was drawn to this research, and want to share it with you, because it supports one of my key approaches to health and longevity – the consumption of nutritional supplements. Given the degradation of food quality, the liberal use of pesticides, antibiotics and hormones, and the hectic lifestyle of many Americans, I’ve long considered that to optimize nutrition, supplementation was needed.  Moreover, some supplements yield benefits that no food can reasonably offer.

Natural Resveratrol is just one example.  Studies indicate that Resveratrol, extracted from red grapes, may contribute to longevity.  If it weren’t extracted and concentrated, you would have to drink a thousand glasses of wine per day to get the longevity benefit.  Of course, you’d die from alcohol poisoning straight away.]

One startling statistic underscores my assertion – A startling 92 percent of Americans are deficient in one or more nutrients at the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) level, the minimum necessary to prevent “deficiency diseases” like rickets or scurvy (diseases that are the resulting from not getting enough vitamins and minerals).  (Note that the RDA standards do not necessarily outline the amount needed for optimal health; rather, they are typically minimum amounts to prevent deficiencies.)

More extreme than potentially causing deficiency diseases, a Vitamin deficiency can cause “long-latency deficiency diseases.” These include conditions like blindness, osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, dementia, and more.

Now, back to the Lewin Group study…  It examined just four supplements and disease combinations.

The supplements examined:

1. Calcium and vitamin D and their effect on osteoporosis
2. Folic acid and its ability to prevent birth defects
3. Omega-3 fatty acids and their benefits for heart disease
4. Lutein and zeaxanthin and their benefit in preventing major age-related blindness, or macular degeneration.

The strict criteria for the nutrient interventions were:

1. The supplement had to produce a measurable physiological effect.
2. This physiological effect had to create a change in health status.
3. The health problems must be those where a change in health status is associated with a decrease in healthcare expenditures.

Now, rather than repeat the whole study, or Dr. Hyman’s review of it, I’ll cut to the conclusion, which enumerates the four nutritional supplements that have the most positive impact on general health.

Dr. Hyman’s four low cost, high reward, no risk supplements for every body

1. A high-quality multivitamin and mineral. The multivitamin should contain mixed carotenoids, which include lutein and zeaxanthin as part of their mix, as well as at least 400 mcg of folate and a mixed B-complex vitamin.

I take MegaFood One Daily.

2. Calcium-magnesium with at least 600 mg of calcium and 400 mg of magnesium. The calcium should be calcium citrate or chelated versions of minerals. Do not use calcium carbonate or magnesium oxide, which are cheap minerals that are poorly absorbed.

I don’t take these separately as they’re in MegaFood One Daily in the proportions recommended by Dr. Hyman.

3. Vitamin D3, 1,000 to 2,000 IU a day (people who are deficient in vitamin D will need more).

Not only do Vitamin D deficient people need more, but perhaps also brown or black skin people living above the latitude of Atlanta Georgia during the low-sun winter months.

I take this Vitamin D3, 1,000 IU in the morning and another 1,000 in the evening during the winter, halving this amount during the summer.

4. Omega-3 fatty acids that contain the fats EPA and DHA, 1,000 to 2,000 mg a day.

I take Kill Oil which for reducing stress, inflammation and supporting heart and joint health.

If you’d like to dig into this topic in greater detail, check out Dr. Hyman’s post.

Last Updated on September 10, 2019 by Joe Garma

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Joe Garma

I help people live with more vitality and strength. I'm a big believer in sustainability, and am a bit nutty about optimizing my diet, supplements, hormones and exercise. To get exclusive Updates, tips and be on your way to a stronger, more youthful body, join my weekly Newsletter. You can also find me on LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.

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